There is no more thermostat dispute

We are actually experiencing lengthy periods of peace and tranquility inside the central air conditioning of our home these days.

It just took a residential HVAC upgrade to make that happen.

Everyone in my house has different heating and cooling requirements. And this is not dependent on any specific season. The winter cold demands a fair amount of HVAC heating for sure. And that makes it tough on those in the house who, like me, don’t want it all that warm. But my wife and daughters are just miserable if the thermostat goes anywhere south of 70. That makes it tough to find a spot in the house where it’s not too hot. Conversely, the summer is filled with complaints about the air conditioning. The thermostat situation has been even more bizarre during that season. I want to keep the thermostat a bit higher during the peak heating hours of the day to save money. HVAC cooling costs are greatly affected by having consistent thermostat control. But again, the complaints showered down on me when I tried to force the thermostat setting. Finally, I called the HVAC company for an answer. The HVAC company had a solution in the form of zone controlled HVAC. I was pleased to learn that our existing HVAC equipment could be tweaked in order for us to have zone controlled HVAC in our home. So now we have six separate thermostats in our house and that is the reason for all the peace and tranquility inside the central air conditioning of our home.

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