Mom bought a new air purifier

Mom bought a new air purifier.

I love my mom dearly, but she has a bad habit of spending money on things that she really doesn’t need.

She is definitely the spender in her and my dad’s relationship. It drives my dad crazy, but he has learned to deal with it over the years. Whenever I actually take the time to talk to my mom about her spending habits, she gets better for a few weeks. It is no use though because after those few weeks, she goes right back to her old ways. She called me yesterday to tell me that she bought a new air purifier. I would have been excited if she hadn’t just bought herself an air purifier a few weeks before. She now has three air purifiers, and she doesn’t even use them. If she used the air purifiers, it would be a lot better, but she doesn’t. I think she has used them maybe three times. It is so sad that she spent all that money on air purifiers that she doesn’t even use. I have offered to buy them from her many times, but she keeps telling me that she will eventually use her air purifiers. I hope that she actually does use her air purifiers because they were a lot of money, and it would be such a waste if she didn’t use them. Having an air purifier is a really good idea right now since the virus that is going around is airborne. I hope that she starts using at least one of her air purifiers so that she will be a bit safer from the virus. I am ordering my own air purifier today for that very reason.

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