Move introduces us to the heat pump

I have to say that I really don’t miss the gas furnace at all.

And that’s not exactly what I thought when we first decided to leave the north for my wife’s new job in the south.

In fact, whether or not we’d be warm enough without a gas furnace was one of many things that I was a bit hesitant about when it came to the move. I’ve never known anything but the weather, the customs, the food and the people of where I live. I was born and raised in the same town I just moved away from. While I had vacationed in the south, living there was a whole other thing. I was worried that I’d be stuck inside the HVAC cooling all summer for one. And would southern people even like me anyway? Then came leaving all my friends and family. It was a big deal so the gas furnace worry was not the only one. But now that I’ve been here a couple of years, all those worries were unfounded really. There is absolutely no need for the gas furnace down here. While there is some need for HVAC heating, a gas furnace would be total overkill. The heat pump we own does a fantastic job of keeping our home cozy warm when there is any sort of cold snap. Normally, we flip the thermostat over to heating when we know the temps are going to drop. But really, the heat pump knocks out the chill before the morning is even over. I miss my friends and my family back up north. However, I’m very glad to call this home and to have a heat pump as my heating and cooling method.



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