My husband told me we should get a heat pump

My husband loves to read.

He loves to read anything and everything when given the chance, even if it’s the ingredients on the back of a cereal box.

I love the fact that he reads, and I enjoy hearing the latest new things he has learned. So when he came up to me and told me he thought we should buy a heat pump I was surprised. I don’t know much about heating and cooling, but I did know our central HVAC unit was working just fine, so I was wondering what the point was. I asked him why he thought that, and he started listing all of the benefits. He told me one of the benefits was them being quiet. Our current HVAC system, even though it did a great job, was quite noisy. It wasn’t that the actual HVAC unit was fairly close to our bedroom. So if we wanted cooling air at night, we would have to listen to it rumble on. So I could definitely agree with him on this one. Another benefit he told me is that even though they are called heat pumps, they also provide cooling air. One of the last benefits he really thought was nice was that they are known for being safe. My husband knows I am a big believer in safety, so this definitely got my attention. We both decided to dig into it a bit further, and call the heating and cooling corporation tomorrow for their professional advice on how they work and whether they are right for us or not.


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